

A major population of men have problem of baldness. When the balding progress to stage 4, then solution is hair transplant procedure. The hair transplant procedures offers permanent solutions. The hair that are transplanted to the bald area are permanent, appear absolutely natural and dno look different from the existing or natural hair appearance. You can comb them to our desired style, oil or shampoo them, and get cuttings done as per our choice. The transplant is done under local anesthesia. You would stay awake and can watch television or read newspaper during the procedure. You can go home immediately after the procedure. Depending upon the area and number of follicles units, it usually takes approximately2-6 hours for one session. There are no side effects of it. Dr. Nishant has already successfully transplanted more than 100 cases as of now. You will be under best hand during your hair transplant.


Liposuction is removal of fat by surgery. Dr. Nishant Chhajer and his team can loosen and remove the fat from specified area by using special instruments. It is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery in the world. Localized fat collections on hips, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, waist back, cheek, jowls and neck, arms, upper torso, and other body areas can be reduced by this procedure. The waistline can be reduced by 4-10 inches which would give your body better shape and proportion. There is no side effect of it. Dr. Nishant Chajjer has already done many such liposuction procedures


Rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries today. Rhinoplasty can improve the shape, size, and general appearance of your nose. The goal is to improve balance between your nose and other facial features. The result can have positive effets on the way you feel about your appearance. We perform rhinoplasty procedures at our LookSmartBeConfident clinic with highest level or accuracy and care.

Laser Hair Removal

If you're not happy with shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hair, laser hair removal may be an option worth considering. Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures. It beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorb the light. That destroys the hair.

Lasers are useful for removing unwanted hair from the face, leg, arm, underarm, bikini line, and other areas. Benefits of laser hair removal include - precision. Lasers can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged

Dr. Nishant Chhajer has already performed many such laser hair removals in Noida.

Breast Augmentation and Enhancement

Breast augmentation surgery, also known as augmentation mammaplasty, is the surgical placement of breast implants to increase fullness and improve symmetry of the breasts, or to restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy.

Breast augmentation does not correct severely drooping breasts. If you want your breasts to look fuller and to be lifted due to sagging, a breast lift may be required in conjunction with breast augmentation.

Breast lifting can often be done at the same time as your augmentation or may require a separate operation. LookSmartBeConfident Clinic can assist you in making this decision.

We perform breast Augmentation and Breast Lift surgery with high level of precision to give eternal and sensuous look.

Buttock Reshaping

Every woman wants round and firm buttocks to provide a proportionate and attractive contour to her body. Buttock reshaping is a surgical procedure to improve the shape, size and appearance of buttocks.

Different procedures are used depending on the desired effect.

  • Buttocks can be narrowed and shaped with liposuction
  • Some people genetically have small or flat buttocks or they may have sagged with age, weight loss or illness. Buttocks can be augmented with implants or fat grafting to achieve a fuller and rounder shape.
  • Butt lift is a relatively new procedure in which the sagging buttocks are lifted and reshaped by removing the excess skin and fat and pulling the skin and tissue together.

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

What is Reconstructive Plastic Surgery?

Reconstructive surgery involves the restoration of form and function to a damaged body part and building up of normal physical contours when parts of the body such as nose, jaw, ears or fingers are missing or disfigured because of trauma, cancer, burns, birth defects or surgery. For example carpal tunnel surgery brings function back into your hands. Operating on scars after an auto accident restores form and function to skin. Both are specific types of reconstructive surgery.

Reconstructive Surgery Includes
  • Congenital cleft lip or palate
  • Surgery for congenital hand defects
  • Surgery for hand injuries
  • Cranio-maxillo-facial surgery
  • Surgery for acute burns
  • Surgery for post burn contractures
  • Reconstruction of skin lesions and skin defects
  • Reconstruction of skin loss on leg
  • Reconstruction of pressure sores
  • Post cancer reconstruction
  • Microsurgery
  • Penile implant surgery for impotence

Stem Cell Fat Grafting

Fat Grafting Enriched With Rrgenerative Cells

REGENERATIVE CELLS also referred as adipose-derived stem and regenerative cells (ADRCs) are being used for breast augmentation and facial rejuvenation. The Celution system helps to extract ADRCs and PureGraft system is used to purify the fat graft. Celution enables the surgeon to extract a stable amount of ADRCs and PureGraft uses lipodialysis, a methodology that effectively removes saline and free lipids in a short period of time, whereas in the past, doctors were using a centrifuge to extract saline and to free lipids from the fat graft.

PureGraft is a sterile plastic bag that enables a manual process of separating fat tissue from blood, saline and other unwanted materials and process can be completed in 15 minutes. Because of the unique action of stem cells, this process produces fat graft survival higher than that achieved by conventional fat injection and allows durable, natural rejuvenation.

Some of surgeons who have performed a large number of surgeries have found the Breast size has become stable after three months, and the average size difference is 3.3 cm when they measured the patients nine months after the cases, This technique can be used not only for breast augmentation but also for breast reconstruction after partial mastectomy. In addition, for facial rejuvenation, this technology has the possibility of improving not only for wrinkles but also for skin texture.

Some challenges have to looked into while working with ADRCs and these include how to best harvest, process and inject the graft tissue so that it does not get absorbed and that’s where Cytori’s Celution device comes handy as the cell-enriched grafts can be prepared at the point of care in about 90 minutes.

Cell enhanced fat graft can be used for breast augmentation,reconstruction ,facial rejuvenation,& to improve the quality of scars.

Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty

Sometimes after multiple pregnancies or large weight loss, abdominal muscles weaken, and skin in the area becomes flaccid. Abdominoplasty can tighten the abdominal muscles and, in some instances, improve stretch marks. In men and women who have fat that is concentrated in the abdomen, the procedure will remove excess skin and fat. The surgery will not eliminate minor wrinkling or take the place of dieting, but it can improve a loss of skin elasticity in combination with localized fat accumulation.

This operation may be performed on an outpatient basis or during a brief hospital stay. To smooth out the abdomen, the surgeon works through a low abdominal incision that spans the hips. Because sagging skin will be pulled down over the abdomen before it is removed, it may be necessary to release the navel from its surrounding skin and bring it out through a new skin opening. Resulting scars across the public area and around the navel are permanent but flatten and lighten in color over time.

Sometimes, abdominoplasty may be combined with liposuction to achieve the best result. In some instances, when skin laxity and muscle weakness are limited to the area below the navel, a modified abdominoplasty may be recommended. This procedure usually leaves a shorter scar and no scarring around the navel. Endoscopic abdominoplasty is another technique for limiting scars and is useful when patients have only a minimal amount of excess skin and muscle laxity.

Following abdominoplasty, you will be advised to wear a light support garment during the recovery period and to avoid strenuous activity for a few weeks.

Breast Lift / Breast Reduction


Breast reduction surgery,also known as reduction mammaplasty, removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size in proportion with your body .It helps inreducing the discomfort associated with very large breasts.

The surgery is done under general anaesthesia, incisions are made and excess breast and fatty tissue is removed. Sometimes the breast may need to be lifted and the position of the areola and nipple improved. This is especially needed when the breasts are sagging because of age or excessive weight loss. Liposuction may be used to improve shape.

After this procedure is done you will need to stay in hospital for a couple of days. Initially you will be instructed to wear a support bra till the swelling has healed and avoid vigorous exercise and lifting heavy weights. You will need to stay off work for about two weeks. The feeling of decreased sensation in nipples is temporary but may take weeks or months to resolve.Some incision lines are visible on the breast surface but in most cases will fade and significantly improve over time.The results of breast reduction are immediately visible and the patient satisfaction generally improves with time.

This is a safe procedure and can be done in women of all ages, except children who are still growing.


The breast lift operation raises and recontours loose, sagging breasts. A woman may opt for this surgery after losing a considerable amount of weight, or losing volume and tone in her breasts after childbirth. In a breast lift, the nipple and areola (the pigment skin surrounding the nipple)are relocated to a higher position,and removal of excessive skin and some breast tissue is done resulting in repositioning the breast tissue to a higher level.This effectively reshapes the breast.

If you desire to have your breasts enlarged as well as lifted, an implant may be placed behind your breast tissue or chest muscle. This procedure combines breast lift alongwith augmentation.If you want smaller breasts, consider combining breast lift alongwith breast reduction.

he breast lift procedure is done under general anasthesia and You will need to stay in hospital for a day. Initially you will be instructed to wear a support bra till the swelling has healed and avoid vigorous exercise and lifting heavy weights. You will need to stay off work for about two weeks. The feeling of decreased sensation in nipples is temporary but may take weeks or months to resolve.

Some incision lines are visible on the breast surface but in most cases will fade and significantly improve over time.The results of Mastopexy are immediately visible and the patient satisfaction generally improves with time.

Male Breast Reduction


Gynaecomastia is a relatively common condition in which men have enlarged and prominent breasts. This can happen due to deposition of excessive fat tissue around the breasts during puberty or after excessive weight loss. Men with gynaecomastia become very self conscious about their body especially while swimming, in the gym or wearing a well fitting T-shirt. This impairs their confidence levels, self esteem and psychological well being.

Gynaecomastia can be easily corrected surgically by removing the excess fat and glandular tissue by liposuction & excision. Sometimes the overlying skin may need to be tightened as well. The surgery can be done either under local or general anaesthetic. A small incision is made in the lower half of the nipple area through which the liposuction cannula is inserted. The surgery may take 1-2 hours depending upon the amount of fat to be removed. If done under a general anaesthetic, you may need to stay in hospital for one night.

Minimally Invasive Gynaecomastia surgery

The 'Light Pull-Through Procedure' is the latest & a less invasive way of doing this surgery. In this the incision through which the fat and glandular tissue is pulled out is smaller. The advantage of this procedure is that there are less scars & post surgery no drains will have to be left. This will lead to quicker healing and minimally visible scar.

You will experience some pain, bruising and swelling in the area but it will settle in a few days. You might need to take a few days off work and avoid strenuous activities for a while. There is a very small risk of infection or scarring in the surgical area.

Your surgeon will explain the procedure in detail during the consultation.

This surgery is becoming more popular over the years as men realize the happiness and satisfaction of being at ease with their body.

Chin Enlargement And Cheek Augmentation

Chin surgery, or mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure to reshape the chin.The chin can be enhanced with an implant or surgery on the bone or fat injection.

As the size of the chin may magnify or minimize the perceived size of the nose,many times a plastic surgeon may recommend chin surgery to a patient having rhinoplasty in order to achieve facial proportion.Chin surgery helps provide a harmonious balance to your facial features so that you feel better about the way you look.The chin bone surgery is done through an incision inside the mouth, and it involves moving the chinbone. The incisions to insert the implant may be made inside the mouth or on the underside of the chin. In the latter case, surgery usually leaves a faint scar that is barely visible underneath the chin.

This surgery can be done under local or general anasthesia and patient allowed home the same day.To permit proper healing following chin augmentation, you may be placed on a liquid diet for a day or two. The area may be taped or bandaged.

Eyelid surgery / Blepharoplasty

The eyes are focal point of the face and contribute substantially to your overall facial appearance. Bags beneath the eyes, wrinkled drooping layers of skin on the eyelids, and sagging eyebrows give the entire face a perpetually tired or sad expression.

Aesthetic eyelid surgery can "brighten" the face and restore a more youthful appearance by reducing the fat and extra skin that causes these conditions. Blepharoplasty is often performed along with a face-lift or with other facial rejuvenating procedures.

The surgeon may operate on the upper and lower eyelids as necessary, removing excess skin and muscle as well as eliminating or repositioning fat under the skin that creates puffiness and bagginess of the eyelids. Incisions are hidden within natural folds or beneath lash lines, or sometimes may be placed inside the lower eyelid if removal of skin is not necessary.

Sometimes the upper eyelid problem is aggravated by sagging of the eyebrows, and this may require correction with a brow lift.

Because eyelid skin is thin, you should expect some swelling and black-and-blue discoloration after surgery. Your eyes may be temporarily sensitive to light and susceptible to excess tearing or dryness. You may want to wear dark glasses for a couple of weeks to protect your eyes from wind and sun irritation and avoid eye strain from prolonged reading or television viewing. You will be able to resume wearing makeup and contact lenses shortly after your surgery.

Face Lift (Rhytidectomy)

A facelift can reduce sagging skin on the face and neck, helping these areas to appear firmer and fresher. Your bone structure, heredity and skin texture all play a role in how many "years" a facelift can "remove" and, to some extent, influence how long will it last.

The surgeon performs a facelift operation one side at a time, working through incisions that are placed in the hairline, in front of or partially within the ears as well as behind the ears. The incisions are designed to keep the resultant scars as inconspicuous as possible. When necessary, removal of fatty deposits beneath the skin and tightening of sagging muscles is performed. The slack in the skin itself is then redraped and excess removed. Most of your scars will be hidden within the hairline or within the normal lines and creases around the ears. The scars can usually be concealed by the hair with the makeup.

Patients who do not have a significant amount of excess skin sometimes may be candidates for an endoscopic facelift. Using an endoscope, the plastic surgeon can smooth the skin and tighten the muscles through very small incisions that are easily concealed. Depending on which areas of the face and neck require correction, incisions may be placed in the lower eyelid, upper gum line, beneath the chin or behind the ears.

After facelift surgery, you will experience temporary skin discoloration and some tightness or numbness in the face and the neck. Healing is gradual, so expect to wait several months for optimal results. Since your skin will remain somewhat sensitive for a few months, protection from the sun, including daily use of a sun block, is essential. You can wear cosmetics shortly after surgery.

Fat Injection (Autologous Fat Transplantation)

A facelift can reduce sagging skin on the face and neck, helping these areas to appear firmer and fresher. Your bone structure, heredity and skin texture all play a role in how many "years" a facelift can "remove" and, to some extent, influence how long will it last.

The surgeon performs a facelift operation one side at a time, working through incisions that are placed in the hairline, in front of or partially within the ears as well as behind the ears. The incisions are designed to keep the resultant scars as inconspicuous as possible. When necessary, removal of fatty deposits beneath the skin and tightening of sagging muscles is performed. The slack in the skin itself is then redraped and excess removed. Most of your scars will be hidden within the hairline or within the normal lines and creases around the ears. The scars can usually be concealed by the hair with the makeup.

Patients who do not have a significant amount of excess skin sometimes may be candidates for an endoscopic facelift. Using an endoscope, the plastic surgeon can smooth the skin and tighten the muscles through very small incisions that are easily concealed. Depending on which areas of the face and neck require correction, incisions may be placed in the lower eyelid, upper gum line, beneath the chin or behind the ears.

After facelift surgery, you will experience temporary skin discoloration and some tightness or numbness in the face and the neck. Healing is gradual, so expect to wait several months for optimal results. Since your skin will remain somewhat sensitive for a few months, protection from the sun, including daily use of a sun block, is essential. You can wear cosmetics shortly after surgery.

Forehead / Brow Lift

As the aging progresses, skin wrinkling and a loss of tone can occur in the forehead area as it does in the eyelids and lower parts of the face. This may cause sagging of the eyebrows, resulting in a tired or sad look and aggravating the problem of excess skin of the upper eyelids. A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift reduces the wrinkle lines that develop horizontally across the forehead, as well as those that occur on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes.It does Improves frown lines, the vertical creases that develop between the eyebrow and Raises sagging brows that are hooding the upper eyelids besides placing the eyebrows in an alert and youthful position.

This surgery is performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. Incisions are placed behind the hairline above the ear and continue over the top of the head. In some cases, incisions may be placed in front of the hairline. Improvements are made beneath the skin and to the deep muscles; the skin and the muscle are then tightened to give a fresher, more youthful appearance.

Endoscopic forehead lift is another advancement which requires several very small incisions at or within the hairline instead of the longer incision used for a conventional forehead lift. Using an endoscope, the plastic surgeon can modify the muscles that cause frown lines and, when needed, elevate the brows.The forehead lift may be done in conjunction with other facial rejuvenating procedures.

After surgery, there will be some swelling and bruising that may involve the eyelids and lower portions of the face as well. There will also be some numbness of the portions of the scalp, which can take a while to recover.

You will be permitted to wash your hair shortly after the surgery. The stitches will be removed a week after the operation.This surgery is being done by Dr Anup Dhir at the Image medical centre.

Ear Surgery

Aesthetic plastic surgery can improve the shape or positioning of your ears if they are large in proportion to your other features or protrude more than normal. Surgery is possible at any age, but is often recommended for children as they near total ear development at age five or six. When the ears are corrected prior to the child entering school, the surgery helps eliminate potential psychological trauma.

The ears are positioned closer to the head by reshaping the cartilage (supporting tissue). This is usually accomplished through incisions placed behind the ears so that subsequent scars will be concealed in a natural skin crease.

After surgery, a gauze dressing or bandage may be worn for a few days or several weeks to ensure that the ears heal in their new, corrected position. Strenuous activities and contact sports should be avoided for several weeks.

Anti Ageing Medicine

Anti-Aging Medicine is a relatively new speciality probably still in its infancy. It has emerged because human beings have a constant desire to look and feel youthful. It describes how a combination of interventions, be it a drug, hormone replacement, mineral or vitamin supplement or lifestyle changes, can help to slow or reverse the effect of aging. It is not to be confused with Geriatric Medicine, which is a branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of the elderly.

Anti-Aging Medicine deals with the varying aspects and problems of aging, like menopause / andropause ( male menopause), depression, sexual dysfunction, sleep disorders, lack of energy, loss of muscle mass, and problems of weight.

Diet, exercise and stress reduction are anti-aging or increase life span as they prevent diseases like hypertension and keep a person healthy. There is ongoing research on antioxidants and hormone replacement as anti-aging agents, because of their ability to reverse cellular degeneration that is associated with the process of aging.

Each patient is evaluated and his/her individual needs identified and a personal treatment plan prepared. A combination of different treatment strategies are aimed at making you look and feel younger and healthier.

Botulinum Toxin Injections


Botulinum toxin injections , often referred to by the product names Botox ,Dysport or Myobloc, are biological toxins (botulinum toxin) transformed into a therapeutic agent. The most common use of these injections is to temporarily relax the facial muscles that underlie and cause wrinkles,such as frown lines between the eyebrows,crow's-feet, the lines that fan out from the corners of the eyes and forehead furrows, the horizontal lines that form when you raise your eyebrows.

These injections are very popular nonsurgical cosmetic procedure. The the type of lines and wrinkles that respond to botox injections are those caused by the muscles - specifically those muscles that contract during facial expressions such as frowning or squinting.Botox blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles. The injected muscle gets partially paralysed,can no longer contract, which causes the wrinkles to relax and soften.

This procedure takes only a few minutes in the OPD and no anesthesia is required.It is injected with a fine needle into specific muscles with only minor discomfort. It generally takes three to seven days to take full effect and it is best to avoid alcohol at least one week prior to treatment. Aspirin and anti-inflammatory medications should be stopped two weeks before treatment as well in order to reduce bruising.Take care that you do not rub the treated area for 12 hours after injection or lay down for three to four hours.

The most common side effects are pain, swelling, or bruising at the injection site. You could have headache, and upset stomach. Injections in the face may also cause temporary drooping eyelids. You should not use Botox if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

The cosmetic effects from Botox will last four to six months. The muscle action gradually returns and the lines and wrinkles begin to re-appear and wrinkles need to be re-treated. The lines and wrinkles often appear less severe with time because the muscles are being trained to relax.

The Botulinium injections can be done along with filler injections.This procedure is routinely done at Image medical centre.

Derma Filler Laser Surgery & Dermabrasion Chemical Peels

Fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and the eyes and on the forehead and cheek areas may be improved with a wide range of treatments. For enhancing the overall texture and appearance of the skin, there are gels, creams and lotions, including Retin-A and products containing alphahydroxy acids, which may be prescribed for at home use.

Chemical peels of varying types and strengths can be applied in your surgeon's office or operating facility. An acid solution is applied to the entire face or to specific areas to peel away the skin's top layer

Dermabrasion- a procedure in which a high-speed rotary wheel, similar to fine-grained sandpaper, is used to abrade the skin- sometimes is recommended for extensive sun damage, wrinkling or pockmarks. Skin resurfacing using a variety of lasers is another popular technique to reduce wrinkles, improve skin texture and achieve some degree of skin tightening.

A few days following a deep peel, dermabrasion or laser skin resurfacing, a new skin emerges. Its bright pink color will fade over several months and may be covered with makeup. Permanent pigment changes, usually lighter in color, may occur with some treatments. Avoid strenuous activities and exposure to sunlight for the first few weeks, and always use a sun block when going outdoors.

Your surgeon may recommend injectable filler such as collagen or fat to diminish facial lines and wrinkles. To improve deeper creases or enhance lip fullness, there are also filler materials that can be surgically implanted. Injections of botulinum toxin may be used for temporary reduction of lines and wrinkles caused by facial muscle contraction.

Filler Injections

In this technique substances are administerd in the skin to fill out or plump up lines on your face that have been created by the loss of elasticity in the skin as you age. By restoring the volume to these areas your skin will look smoother and softer, resulting in a fresher and more youthful appearance. Earlier collagen was used but since it was derived from cattle skin, newer substances such as RESTYLANE, containing hyaluronic acid have become available and are hugely popular.

Areas of use:

  • eye lines
  • mouth lines
  • smile lines on the cheeks
  • chin indentations
  • frown lines between the eyebrows
  • Lip enhancement

Each treatment takes about 20 minutes and the results are instantaneous. Local anaethestic is injected prior to the treatment to make it comfortable. Slight redness and swelling may be seen after the treatment but will settle in a couple of days. Occasionally patients may experience some bruising in the area, which also settles with time.

Hyaluronic acid is completely broken down in the skin over time. The effect of the treatment last about 9 months after which top up is advised.

Injection Lipolysis

Injection lipolysis is cosmetic medicine procedure in which drug mixtures are injected into patients with the goal of breaking down fat.

In this technique , a substance phosphatidylcholine ( PPT ) and sodium deoxycholate, into the skin and/or subcutaneous fatty tissue in order to dissolve fat cells. Some treatments also contain vitamins in the injection solution.This melts the fat deposits, which is then eliminated by the body. PPT has been used intravenoulsy for the prevention and treatment of blood vessel blockages by fat particles ( fat embolism )and as a liver protective.What the therapy does do is to enable the fat in specific, individual regions of the body to be broken down and then absorbed by the body's metabolism. The active substance is injected via very thin needles.Injection lipolysis is best suited for areas of soft fat on the belly, the face, the inside of the thighs, the back and hips. Injection lipolysis therapy also achieves good results on cellulite.The number of treatments differs from person to person, depending upon the type of fat, body region and body size. Generally two to four sessions at two months intervals may be required for completion of treatment. Lipolysis is meant for small areas of fat deposit, and liposuction would be a preferred method for larger areas. Your surgeon will be able to guide you.

Patients only feel a slight initial prick and, for the first 2 hours, a slight sensation of itching and burning. A few patients may need a pain-killing tablet on the first night after treatment.Lipolysis is not a method of weight reduction and is not meant for people who are grossly obese. This technique is useful for effectively reducing fat deposits which are resistant to diet and exercise.Lipolysis as a cosmetic procedure has been used for over a decade and has proved to be safe and effective. This procedure is also used for managing lipomas.The therapy is not intended as a means of weight reduction but is a way of getting rid of unwanted localised deposits of fat, e.g. double chin, fat on the thighs, belly and upper arms. This procedure should be done by a trained cosmetic surgeon who would be able to provide further information and counselling.This procedure is routinely done at Image medical centre.


Mesotherapy is a medical technique devised in 1950’s by a Frenchman called Dr. Michel Pistor. is a non-surgical cosmetic medicine treatment. Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that is widely used in Europe and elsewhere to treat various injuries and medical conditions. This medical specialty targets problem areas with microinjections of conventional or homeopathic medicines, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The content mixture of the injection varies in accordance with each unique case and specific area to be treated.These "medicinal bullets" are delivered directly into the mesoderm (middle layer of skin)the layer of fat and tissue underneath the skin and these medicines are highly specific to the condition being treated. Among its many applications, Mesotherapy can be used for the following.

Mesotherapy injections allegedly target adipose fat cells, apparently by inducing lipolysis, rupture and cell death of fat cells.It is now used worldwide as a cosmetic treatment for ageing skin,acne,strech marks,fat reduction,cellulite reduction ,scar reduction and hair loss. With age, the circulation of the skin decreases resulting in reduction of oxygen and nutrients supply to it. This also results in accumalation of toxins which are not effectively removed by the slowing circulation. This causes the skin to look dull. Each session takes about 20 to 30 minutes. Local anaesthetic creams are use to make the treatment comfortable. Two to three or more treatment courses may be needed for best results. Slight redness or swelling in the treated are may be experienced but will settle in 1 – 2 days.Mesotherapy is being done by Dr Anup Dhir at Image medical centre.


Women have made a place for themselves in modern society and are demanding equal rights in all fields. They are getting educated, financially independent and confident and are aware of their body image. They want to look the best they can and are using cosmetic surgery to achieve that. They are also more open about their expectations of sexual satisfaction in relationships. More women are now seeking aesthetic surgery of their genitalia to improve appearance, pleasure and to give it a more youthful look. It is claimed, though not proven, that this surgery may also improve the sexual function. The commonly requested procedures are:

Labial reduction (Labiaplasty)

Labiaplasty is a surgery to decrease the size or improve the irregularity of the labia minora (the inner lips of the vagina). This may be done to make the appearance more pleasing and some women feel it improves penetration. Large labia minora can also cause discomfort with tight under clothes or during sport, which may improve with this surgery.

This surgery can be done under local anaesthetic as a day case, but needs to be done by an experienced surgeon to prevent scar contractures forming around the labia.

Vaginal tightening (Vaginoplasty)

Age and childbirth may make the vaginal lax which may make the sexual experience less satisfying for both the partners. Vaginal tightening can be done either by placing sutures at the opening of the vagina or by tightening the muscles of the posterior vaginal wall.

This procedure is usually done under a general anaesthetic and may involve staying in hospital for one night

Hymen Reconstruction (Hymemoplasty)

The thin skin like membrane which partially covers the opening of the vagina is called the hymen. The first penetrative sexual intercourse usually causes this membrane to tear, accompanied by a little bleeding. Because of this, the presence of the hymen is taken as a proof of virginity in many cultures. Many people are not aware that even strenuous physical activity like horse riding etc. can cause the hymen to tear. The surgical procedure to restore this membrane is called hymenoplasty and is requested by some women for social reasons.It can be done as a day care surgery & patient can go home after the surgery.

Genital aesthetic surgery is delicate and precise surgery and should only be undertaken by a trained and experienced plastic and cosmetic surgery

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Look Smart Be Confident Clinic
Gunjan Clinic
B-41/7, Royal Plaza Market,
Opp: Badi Masjit, Nithari,
Sec 31,Noida
+91 9560530607

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